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Miami-Dade has a serious problem as does the State of Florida. It is a critical illness that absolutely must be immediately addressed.
What is the illness you ask? Electile Dysfunction aka Election Fraud as part of a larger RICO criminal enterprise.
The Florida electile dysfunction aka widespread election fraud, is going on within the offices of Supervisor of Elections, the Florida Division of Elections, the Florida Secretary of State, the Florida Attorney General and the Office of Governor Ron DeSantis.
What happens when we discovered election fraud in Florida?
Ron DeSantis, Cord Byrd and the rest of the Florida Election Fraud Mafia circled the wagons and conspired to change the Florida Election Law Statutes via SB7050 to hide from “We the People” the data that we used to uncover the theft of our elections.
Why is this important?
If you can’t see the data and the election results, how can you trust the results of the elections?
Case in point Miami-Dade, in the 2020 election Miami-Dade had a massive number of “BLANK BALLOTS”. Do you think that 68,604 Miami-Dade voters really cast a 100% BLANK BALLOT?
What is the likelihood that Miami-Dade voters went out during Early Voting or Election Day or Provisional Voting then stood in line, had their ID verified, received a ballot,and intentionally cast a 100% “BLANK BALLOT”.
Below is a partial screenshot of an “Official Results” report that ES&S Electronic Voting Systems generates. The report is called the EL45A report, also known as the Election Summary Report with Detail.
According the the “Official Results” here is a breakdown.
On Election Day (ED) there were 12,861 voters whose ballots were classified as “BALLOTS CAST - BLANK”
During the tally of the Vote By Mail Ballots (VBM) there were 19,638 “BALLOTS CAST - BLANK”.
Do you believe that voters returned to the Miami-Dade Supervisor of Elections Office 100% BLANK BALLOTS in the Vote By Mail return envelopes. Did they verify the signatures on those return envelopes? Did a Miami-Dade voter really not vote on anything on that ballot? Not one voting position? Not one candidate?
But they signed it and went through the process of putting in into the mail being “100% BLANK” ?

Well, that depends on who you ask…
According to the State of Florida’s Division of Elections DS-DE 40 Form:

“A blank ballot contains no selected vote targets.”
The image below is a DS-DE 40 form that the Miami-Dade Supervisor of Elections sent me yesterday as part of a public records request. Do you notice anything strange?
Does the information on the form below match the EL45A report shown above?
This form the DS-DE 40 report is a form that every single Supervisor of Election is REQUIRED to submit the the Florida Department of Elections/Florida Department of State according to Florida Statutes Section 101.595(1) . This form is due by December 15th of the General Election year.

Let’s look at the differences between the DS-DE 40 and the EL45A “Official Results”…
On the DS-DE 40 Form above there are ZERO Blank Ballots shown vs the “Official Results” of 68,604 on the EL45A Election Summary Results.
Which is it ZERO or 68,604? The Audit Logs Will Tell Us…
On the DS-DE 40 Form above there are 233 Provisional Ballots Accepted as cast, yet there are ZERO provisional ballots shown as being cast on the EL45A “Official Results”.
Which is it ZERO or 233?
Another interesting data point on the DS-DE 40 is the category of “DUPLICATED BALLOTS”. According to the DS-DE 40 form above there were 9,467 “DUPLICATED BALLOTS” cast in the election.
According to the “Instructions” for the DS-DE 40 form:
“The total number of ballots which were remade for this election.”
How were these ballots “REMADE”? Perhaps using Runbeck Ballot Duplication software? Who supervised the “BALLOT DUPLICATION” aka “REMAKE” of voters ballots?
Is this software certified for use in Florida elections? Is this software connected to the internet?
Why would the Miami-Dade Supervisor of Elections Office possibly need to “REMAKE” 9,467 ballots?
The Miami-Dade Supervisor of Elections Office has just been caught altering election documents, altering election results, and offering these altered documents to the public as a response to public records requests.
These “OFFICIAL RESULTS” and/or “Official Election Forms/Records” have been altered and are certainly not accurate.
The evidence collected and analyzed show that in the 2020 General Election 68,604 Miami-Dade voters had their right to cast a ballot and have their votes counted accurately interfered with by some very bad actors. This is a serious crime.
I previously caught the Palm Beach County Supervisor of Elections Office illegally altering “Official Records”. I have a pending case in Pinellas County Florida over the Supervisor of Elections altering election documents, offering perjured testimony and a filing a false affidavit with intent to defraud the court.
There are several candidates in Hillsborough that I am working with to uncover the massive election fraud in Craig Latimer’s office. The amount of the fraud there and the illegal activities being concealed by the Hillsborough Supervisor of Elections General Counsel will be sure to reverberate all the way to office of Governor Ron DeSantis.
I really want to give a special shout out of thanks to Ron Turner, the Sarasota Supervisor of Elections and the President of the illegal lobbyist group the Florida Supervisor of Elections Inc.
Ron, your vehement protests over “BLANK BALLOTS” and reluctance to hand over the ES&S Audit Logs in their original, unredacted, as generated, transmitted and stored file format last week just proved everything that I have been saying.
Florida Has Selections. Florida Does Not Have Elections.
You cannot legally certify an election administered using uncertifiable election systems with void certifications. The 2020 and 2023 Elections were a fraud and millions of voters had their right to cast a ballot and have their votes counted accurately.
How many “BLANK BALLOTS” or “UNREADABLE BALLOTS” and “DUPLICATED BALLOTS” were cast where you live?
How do we get to the bottom of this?

Those who have been entrusted to administer “OUR” elections must comply with out public records requests and turn over the FULL UNREDACTED audit logs for these electronic voting systems.
Why would they possibly say no? Is public confidence in our elections the most important concern today? In a recent poll 93% of ALL Americans believe that there should be no cheating in our elections. Can you name any other single issue today that 93% of ALL Americans agree with?

A.Transparent, Open, Free Elections
B. Election Machine Trade Secrets
1 VOTE ·
As I stated immediately following the sham general "election" of 2020: Voting Doesn't Matter Anymore.
Gleason has real input from his SEC data...this stuff is just not it.